We Want Your Writing.

Postcards from Ursula

Ursula is the name given to the  largest Customs and Border Patrol processing and  detention center. It is located in McAllen, Texas; its conditions have been compared to torture facitilies by physicians and  social workers.

Their Eyes.
I’m haunted by their eyes.
—Toby Gialluca, Lawyer


my body in the bathtub—skin prepared 
with cempasúchil, 
arroz con leche, three cloves. a stone. 

pick through the bones // 
the rubble and salt of me; murder of 
wounds—massacre of rosaries. as the snail 

carrying Coahuila 
on my back.  
PUT_CHARACTERS_¿What did they do to you, sister blackwood, 
PUT_CHARACTERS_brother pine? What of your drowned daughters // 
PUT_CHARACTERS_babes in cages, tick-bitten spines?

gone and weaponized my body. mi mente criminal. 
y calladitos// shhh. 
calladitos. //  legion of no tongue //  y no hay 

forma // there is. no way, josé.
O, my mouth—that hungry blister. that 
open creature. que duerme  la primavera,

but skin be calloused // sweet brown // singing
this hurt. of  me.
la piel en canto // himno moreno

circula la herida. dentro de mi.


Kennia Lopez

Kennia Lopez received her MFA in Poetry from Brooklyn College. She is pursuing a PhD in Rhetoric and Composition at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque.


Kennia Lopez received her MFA in Poetry from Brooklyn College. She is pursuing a PhD in Rhetoric and Composition at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque.